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Why we need to talk about carbon literacy

Carbon management





Lucy O'Connor

Carbon management
Why we need to talk about carbon literacy





Lucy O'Connor

Cogo’s research reveals that the higher someone’s carbon literacy, the greater the likelihood of them taking climate action. Read our latest report to uncover these original insights and discover how banks can improve their customer’s carbon literacy.

Carbon emissions, CO2e, carbon footprint: these are just a few of the expressions that come up regularly in our conversations about the climate crisis. And every day, we see more and more carbon footprint information on different products and services. But the majority of people don’t know what this information means. Consequently, they lack the confidence to take climate action. 

In theory, equipping people with knowledge about their carbon footprint would improve their carbon literacy and encourage them to measure and reduce their environmental impact. 

We decided to test this theory in an online study with CogCo. We also wanted to learn how we can present carbon footprint information in a way that improves people’s carbon literacy. 

Click the link below to discover our research insights:

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